[Pythonmac-SIG] Framework build with readline - question

bear bear42 at code-bear.com
Fri Apr 21 16:28:21 CEST 2006

looks like I found my answer.
It seems --with-readline is no longer required and that configure will 
locate readline if it's installed.

Since we are building our own framework build and don't want to depend 
on the target system having readline we need to pass to configure LIBS= 
and CPPFLAGS= so that the autoconf tests will find our local copy of 

bear wrote:
> I'm trying to do a framework build of Python 2.4.2 and need to have 
> Python use a local install of readline 5.0 but the configure step seems 
> to be ignoring my --with-readline
> configure is run like this:
> ./configure --prefix=/home/bear/test
>                    --enable-framework=/home/bear/test/Library/Frameworks
>                    --with-readline=/home/bear/test
>                    --disable-ipv6
> I've confirmed that at /home/bear/test there is include/readline/* and 
> lib/readline/*
> Before I go digging into configure and related files I figure I would 
> ask here.
> thanks,
> bear
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