[Pythonmac-SIG] No arbitrary precison math on Mac-tel say it ain't so!

Alex Martelli aleaxit at gmail.com
Sat Apr 22 23:51:57 CEST 2006

On Apr 22, 2006, at 1:51 PM, Daniel Lord wrote:
> So the answer, IMHO and I could be wrong since I am very new to  
> this, is one of two choices:
> 1) use 'ld' to produce two separate builds and then use 'lipo' to  
> weld them together as a 'FAT' dylib or
> 2) To use 'cc' to build the dylibs and it takes care of teh seprate  
> building and 'lipo-ing'
> Or maybe I have this wrong and the errros only seem the same and  
> they are really dissimilar.

I'm pretty new at this too -- I've owned an intel Mac for less than a  
month, and it's been a busy time, little chance to learn or tweak  
much yet; and in particular I've not yet been able to build a fat- 
binary .so Python extension with the Universal MacPython 2.4.3 and  
any simple "python setup.py build_ext -i" approach.  Ronald may  
hopefully understand these issues (and what if anything needs to be  
tweaked in distutils) a bit better...


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