[Pythonmac-SIG] py2app and Django

Rob Hudson treborhudson at gmail.com
Fri Aug 4 21:38:41 CEST 2006

> At this point, using the packages option, you've got nearly the same 
> filesystem layout as you would normally, so it's highly unlikely py2app 
> has anything to do with the problems you've experiencing.

That was my suspicion but I appreciate the feedback.

> Are you sure all of this stuff works outside of a packaged environment? 

Yes.  I just double checked and the /quote/ and /admin/ work just fine.

> It sounds like your problems don't really have anything to do with 
> py2app at this point. The django list would be more appropriate; these 
> errors won't make any sense to anyone that doesn't have intimate 
> knowledge of django's source.

Understood.  I have already posted these errors on the django-users list.

Since our goal is a cross platform solution, I may try the py2exe 
version on Windows and see if the same errors occur.

Thanks again for the help,

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