[Pythonmac-SIG] MacPython/Subversion/Apache question

Nicholas Riley njriley at uiuc.edu
Wed Aug 30 19:43:32 CEST 2006

On Wed, Aug 30, 2006 at 12:48:14PM -0400, Blake Winton wrote:
> Now, I can install the subversion python bindings using DarwinPorts, but 
> that won't hook into the Framework version of Python, so I've downloaded 
> the Subversion 1.3.2 sources, and I can build them, but they complain 
> about my version of Apache.  Specifically, about apxs being too old.
> Do I really need to upgrade apache to Apache 2 to get this all working?

Yes, mod_dav_svn only works with Apache 2.

> Is there a good way of replacing the default Apache with Apache 2, or is 
> that a really bad idea because the Software Update will get horribly 
> confused?

You can copy /System/Library/StartupItems/Apache to
/Library/StartupItems/Apache and change the paths to use your
DarwinPorts-installed Apache 2 (assuming DarwinPorts doesn't already
do something equivalent).  Do not replace Apple's Apache installation;
Mac OS X Server, for example, includes both Apache 1.3 and Apache 2; a
future version of Mac OS X will likely be Apache 2-only.

> Is there another place I should be asking these questions?

Probably best on the Subversion users mailing list.

Nicholas Riley <njriley at uiuc.edu> | <http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/njriley>

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