[Pythonmac-SIG] Mac Python and eggs and bdist_mpkg and ...

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Wed Feb 1 19:53:13 CET 2006

On 1-feb-2006, at 17:29, Andrew Jaffe wrote:

> Hi All,
> On a related note, is there a 'best' way to install python packages  
> on a
> mac nowadays? It seems that there at least three possibilities:
>   - plain old setup.py install
>   - bdist_mpkg
>   - eggs
> I've been using bdist_mpkg a lot recently, but this discussion is  
> making
> me think it may not the preferred way. Any opinions?

I've been using setup.py install until now (with adding an extra_path  
argument to setup.py to make it easier to uninstall). bdist_mpkg is a  
nice way to distribute binary packages, but doesn't have enough  
advantages if you don't distribute the resulting packages, mostly  
because there is no uninstaller.

I'll probably switch to setuptools/eggs sometime soon because it is  
better than anything we have now on OSX and PJE has an (IMHO) good  
vision of a complete package management solution.

> -Andrew
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