[Pythonmac-SIG] install again?

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Tue Feb 7 00:59:54 CET 2006

On Feb 6, 2006, at 3:39 PM, Christopher Barker wrote:

> Bob Ippolito wrote:
>> Caveat emptor.  You can not build extensions on 10.3.9 when using a
>> universal build.
> Fair enough. No is going to be running 10.3 on an Intel Mac. If you  
> want
> to develop for Intel users, you need 10.4. Period.
> However, given that, I think we should perhaps just suggest that  
> 10.3.*
> users stick with a PPC only build. That would give us two builds to
> support with pre-built binaries, but a bunch are already done. I'm  
> sorry
> to say that I just switched to 10.4, so I wont' be building an  
> packages
> for 10.3.

Personally, once the universal build is out, that is the *only* one I  
am building eggs and/or mpkgs for.  I suppose it would be worthwhile  
to create some more patches to setuptools so that PPC-only users can  
use fat eggs, and universal users can use PPC-only eggs (unless  
they're on Intel).

>> That said, you'd be able to use it, and install all the eggs/mpkgs  
>> you
>> want, but you would not be able to use it with a compiler.
> The other option is to say: "If you don't intend to build your own
> packages, use the universal build", but I think that's risky, and a
> newbie might not think s/he is going to build anything,  but will
> discover later that they need to.

It would be possible to have a script that flips the Makefile to one  
that is capable of building PPC-only binaries I guess.

>> That goes both ways, users of the universal build can't use "legacy"
>> eggs (marked with ppc or i386 architecture) from the current builds.
> That's OK. I think we can rally the community to build a good  
> collection
> of stuff one the universal build comes out. Maybe none of them will be
> tested on Intel, but so be it!
> Bob, what do you think the timescale is for a universal build? If it's
> soon, then we should work on re-0writing the web site as though it's
> ready to go.

I'd say soon... The only issues left are to sort out the distribution  
scripts and some more testing I guess.


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