[Pythonmac-SIG] Fwd: New Page, first proposal

Louis Pecora pecora at anvil.nrl.navy.mil
Wed Feb 8 20:21:41 CET 2006


First, good start.  You've really thought this through and I see the 
replies are coming fast and hard. 

Second, Chris Barker ( I called you Baker before, my apologies) had some 
good replies most of which I agree with. 

I will add what little I have to his.

I think the issue of a standard Python version is important, but I still 
emphasize not disparaging Apple's, but treating it as a demo/test-drive 
version.  Most people understand the concept of demo programs that they 
can try out and then full-featured versions that they can graduate to.  
I would not give that up.  It's a nice, easy intro for anyone.  That 
will mean a little tutorial in the beginner's section on how to use the 
pre-installed 2.3.x version.  It's worth it.

I would not relegate the C/C++ extensions to another page.  Many 
technical people come from the land of MatLab or Mathematica, etc.  and 
are fully aware of the idea of extending a programming front end using 
some type of faster compiled functions.  Catch their eye on the first 
page.  Then a link to more info.

Chris suggested the first page be beginner-oriented (I think he meant 
that), but I would just say keep the short headers for the advanced 
stuff and up the visibility of the beginner's page early on (probably in 
your [1]).

And now just a few more suggestions,

Charles Hartman wrote:
> Begin forwarded message:
>> *From: *Charles Hartman <charles.hartman at conncoll.edu 
>> <mailto:charles.hartman at conncoll.edu>>
>> For a page title that covers the ground broadly and accurately, I propose
>> Python on the Mac
>> Problems with that? Better suggestions?

A subtitle ?    What you need to use Python on Mac OS X.  (that 
addresses Chris' OS X or Classic question)
>> Four stages in the project are foreseeable:
>> 1. Establish the basic organization of the page
>> 2. Collect the essential technical data, and probably also less 
>> essential materials 
>> to be relegated to secondary pages
>> 3. Produce some friendly prose
>> 4. Build the html for the page
>> #4 is fun, and I wouldn't mind doing it in DreamWeaver if nobody else 
>> has better tools and skills. #3 is easy enough, though checking it 
>> for accuracy needs to be a community effort. I am not competent to do 
>> #2, but this list is full of people who are.
Glad you can do #4, because I don't have a clue (I guess you can do Wiki 
since Chris keeps saying it -- that would be nice).  #3 I can help with 
for beginners (because I'm not that far from one).
>> ===== the Python-on-the-Mac page =======================
>> [1] "If you're a Mac user who wants to learn to write Python programs":
>> note Apple distro, be politely disparaging toward it, provide links to
Here's where you put a prominent link to a BEGINNER'S PAGE.

and maybe mentioning here Apple's distro as a test drive (don't be 
disparaging, just emphasize how much better the advanced version is).
>> Bob's framework, with notes (how extensive is this?) on other stuff 
>> required
>> ActiveState's framework, with similar notes
>> provide links to
>> how-to-program sites
>> how-to-program-in-Python sites
>> how-to-program-for-the-Mac sites
SWIG, pyrex,   ---  I'm sure others will suggest many more.

Let me read more replies to catch up.  More later.


Lou Pecora

Code 6362
Naval Research Lab
Washington, DC  20375
Ph:  +202-767-6002
email:  pecora at anvil.nrl.navy.mil

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