[Pythonmac-SIG] Build script for Universal Python

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Mon Feb 13 01:37:16 CET 2006

On Feb 12, 2006, at 1:19 PM, Ronald Oussoren wrote:

> The attached patch replaces the script in Mac/OSX/Dist by a python  
> script that builds a "batteries included" universal binary. The  
> attached background.jpg should be placed in Mac/OSX/Dist/resources  
> (and hopefully someone donates a nicer image).
> Due to lack of time I haven't tested the installer and contained  
> binaries yet.
> Things that should be fixed:
> 1. 'make frameworkinstall' will no longer install files in /usr/ 
> local/bin.
> 2. the postflight script should be rewritten, it creates a  
> shellscript version of pythonw
> 3. the package is a ".pkg" instead of an ".mpkg". This should make  
> it possible to create an installer that is truely "batteries  
> included" in the future.

.mpkg can depend on other .mpkg... that's not really worth  
mentioning.  You need a .pkg file *somewhere* because .mpkg can only  
reference .pkg or .mpkg.

> 4. the package doesn't update user profiles (should be an  
> optional .pkg in the .mpkg).

In order to make it optional, the outer shell needs to be a .mpkg and  
it needs to reference an optional .pkg that does this in postflight.

> 5. there's still 'python' and 'pythonw' that behave differently,  
> python should be replaced by pythonw and pythonw should be a  
> symlink to python for backward compatibility.
> 6. A patch for distutils that allows compiling on 10.3.9
> 7. A patch for distutils that recognizes '-arch' and '-isysroot' in  
> extra_compile_args and extra_link_args and removes those flags from  

Aren't 5. and 6. the same thing?

> 8. The Python documentation is no longer installed as a help book.

I wonder how hard this is to add to IDLE, or if we can just link to  
HTML docs.  I'm not personally a big fan of Help Book anyway.


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