[Pythonmac-SIG] MacPython documentation and webpages

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Wed Jan 4 21:51:23 CET 2006

On Jan 4, 2006, at 9:29 AM, Jan Erik Moström wrote:

> Mark Asbach <mark.asbach at post.rwth-aachen.de> 2006-01-04 12:08:
>> I would invest some time and effort in revising documentation, but
>> since I'm dependent or your knowledge and experience, this is a call
>> for discussion / participation. What is your opinion?
> I'm in a similar situation, I would like to spend more time working  
> with
> Python but time constraints mostly forces me to do other things.  
> Anyway, one
> of the problem I have when I do get the time is finding Mac  
> specific info ...
> so I'm all for working for this and I'll help with what I can.
> Perhaps one way would be to use a CMS system like Drupal (or perhaps
> something that uses Python ;-) to let people work on this?

There's already two relevant wikis (python.org, pythonmac.org), what  
would a CMS do differently?


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