[Pythonmac-SIG] objc methods to pythonese

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Thu Mar 23 22:33:07 CET 2006

On 23-mrt-2006, at 20:53, Scott Frankel wrote:

> Apologies in advance for this tangential question.
> I'm trying to wrap my head around how Objective-C methods are
> constructed -- and more importantly, how they're converted to Python
> methods.  Doco I've found uses as an example a method with white
> space between the parts of the method name.  Working with Python has
> made me gun shy with respect to white space ;)
> Is the white space syntactically significant?  i.e.:
>      [rectangle setWidth:width height:height];
>                                                   ^
> If I understand correctly, this would translate in Python to:
>      rectangle = setWidthheight_(width, height)
> Correct that the 'h' in the "height" part of the method name is not
> capitalized?

I have no idea what gave you that impression. The pyobjc documentation
clearly states that to translate a method name from Objective-C to
python you take the canonical ObjC name (all parts including colons
appended and without whitepace), e.g. setWidth:height:, and then
replace colons by underscores: setWidth_height_

> How about the following?
>      - (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView
>      objectValueForTableColumn(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn
>              row:(int)row
> Would this translate like so?
>      def tableViewobjectValueForTableColumnrow_(tableView,
> tableColumn, row):



> Thanks in advance!  Reminds me of a friend's reverse polish notation
> calculator ...
> Scott
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