[Pythonmac-SIG] WhereAmI ?

Jerry LeVan jerry.levan at eku.edu
Wed May 24 21:39:48 CEST 2006


I am porting one of my Tcl/Tk apps to Python and am having
a bit of a problem with one detail.

The structure of the app is that the main program
sits in a folder and local resources live in a
subFolder named Resources.

I can easily pick up modules living in Resources, but
I can't see how to find pure "data" files living  in the
the Resources folder.

In Tcl I can find the path to a script with the info command.

I tried looking at "sys.path" but the "current directory" seems
to be specified by '' ( instead of the the full path name).

Is there anyway I can discover the pathname of an running
python script?



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