[Pythonmac-SIG] Why Do I Explicitly Need MacPython

konrad.hinsen at laposte.net konrad.hinsen at laposte.net
Wed Oct 4 09:28:43 CEST 2006

On 03.10.2006, at 12:43, Ronald Oussoren wrote:

> I have a patch for setuptools 0.7 that includes header files in  
> eggs and ensures that other setuptools-aware packages see those  
> during build_ext. PJE has indicated that something like this will  
> be added to setuptools in 0.7 timeframe.

That's good news. I will look at setuptools again when 0.7 is out.

> I'm rather happy with setuptools, there are some cosmetic problems  
> (like the header-file thingy), but the core seems pretty well  
> thought out. The main

I wouldn't call that a cosmetic problem. It probably affects few  
packages, but for those it is a showstopper.


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