[Pythonmac-SIG] Building plugins with py2app
Ronald Oussoren
ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Thu Oct 12 23:56:45 CEST 2006
On Oct 12, 2006, at 11:40 PM, Dethe Elza wrote:
> On 12-Oct-06, at 2:15 PM, Ronald Oussoren wrote:
>> What are you using to test? I've tested with the SillyBalls
>> screensaver in PyObjC's examples directory (Examples/Plugins/
>> SillyBallsSaver).
> I've been testing with my screensaver, Pastels, but I just tried
> with SillyBalls and it also failed to load.
>> I'm also using the SVN HEAD for altgraph, modulegraph and the
>> other related projects, I don't know if that helps.
>> If upgrading doesn't help, or the SillyBallsSaver example doesn't
>> work for you, I'd like to know loads of version information
>> (Python, PyObjC, py2app, altgraph, modulegraph, macholib) and the
>> exact error message you get in Console.app (close
>> SystemPreferences, open Console.app, use the Clear button, then
>> open a freshly build version of your saver or the SillyBals saver).
> macholib 1.1
> modulegraph 0.7
> altgraph 0.6.7
> bdist_mpkg 0.4.2
I have macholib 1.2, modulegraph 0.7.1, altgraph 0.6.8 and py2app
0.3.5, all fresh checkouts from svn.
> Any others?
> Console output from opening SillyBalls:
> 'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/Users/delza/Library/Screen Savers/SillyBalls.saver/
> Contents/Resources/__boot__.py", line 7, in ?
> _disable_linecache()
> File "/Users/delza/Library/Screen Savers/SillyBalls.saver/
> Contents/Resources/__boot__.py", line 2, in _disable_linecache
> import linecache
> ImportError: No module named linecache
> 2006-10-12 14:37:36.350 System Preferences[839] SillyBalls has
> encountered a fatal error, and will now terminate.
> 2006-10-12 14:37:36.350 System Preferences[839] An uncaught
> exception was raised during execution of the main script:
> ImportError: No module named linecache
Could you check the Info.plist and the structure of the screensaver?
Info.plist should have a key PyResourcePackages with an empty array
as its value and an PyRuntimeLocations that points to an embedded
python framework. The patch I just checked in ensures that
PyResourcePackages is empty, with an unpatched version the array will
contain some strings and that messes up sys.path.
There should be a lib/python2.4 in the Resources directory of the
screensaver, that should contain site-packages.zip, site.py and a lib-
dynload directory.
To make absolutely sure you have my patched version you could check
py2app/bundletemplate/plist_template.py, there is a definition of
PyResourcePackages in there, the value of which should be an empty
list. One way to check:
.>> import pprint
.>> import py2app.bundletemplate.plist_template
.>> pprint.pprint(py2app.bundletemplate.plist_template.infoPlistDict
{'CFBundleDevelopmentRegion': u'English',
'CFBundleDisplayName': u'dummy',
'CFBundleExecutable': u'dummy',
'CFBundleIconFile': u'dummy',
'CFBundleIdentifier': u'org.pythonmac.unspecified.dummy',
'CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion': u'6.0',
'CFBundleName': u'dummy',
'CFBundlePackageType': u'BNDL',
'CFBundleShortVersionString': u'0.0',
'CFBundleSignature': u'????',
'CFBundleVersion': u'0.0',
'LSHasLocalizedDisplayName': False,
'NSAppleScriptEnabled': False,
'NSHumanReadableCopyright': u'Copyright not specified',
'NSMainNibFile': u'MainMenu',
'NSPrincipalClass': u'dummy',
'PyMainFileNames': [u'__boot__'],
'PyResourcePackages': [],
'PyRuntimeLocations': [u'@executable_path/../Frameworks/
u'PythonInfoDict': {'PythonExecutable': u'/Library/Frameworks/
'PythonLongVersion': u'2.4.4c1 (#1, Oct 11
2006, 15:11:04) \n[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5341)]',
'PythonShortVersion': u'2.4',
u'py2app': {'version': u'0.3.5', 'template':
P.S. Are you sure you installed the latest version of py2app in the
right version of Python? If you installed python2.5 after installing
python2.4 easy_install might point to the 2.5 version of easy_install
(if you have that installed), if it is easy_install-2.4 should pick
up the correct version.
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