[Pythonmac-SIG] universal python; how to use my aqua tcl/tk?
Ronald Oussoren
ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Tue Sep 12 08:52:44 CEST 2006
On Sep 12, 2006, at 1:23 AM, Russell E. Owen wrote:
> In article <4501E633.2090109 at kevin-walzer.com>,
> Kevin Walzer <kw at kevin-walzer.com> wrote:
>> Russell E. Owen wrote:
>>> I just changed to the universal python 2.4.3 (I had been using
>>> activestate's 2.4.3) as part of moving to releasing universal
>>> builds of
>>> code.
>>> Everything is fine except it's using Tiger's built in ancient
>>> version of
>>> Aqua Tcl/Tk instead instead of version 8.4.11 that I installed
>>> myself
>>> (in /Library/Frameworks). Is there some trick to getting it to
>>> use my
>>> version?
>> I had a similar question a few weeks ago:
>> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/pythonmac-sig/2006-July/017779.html
>> Hope this helps.
> Thanks for the answer, but I confess to being disappointed.
> ActiveState Python 2.4.3 uses the Tcl/Tk in /Library, if found, else
> uses the built-in version in /System. Very handy and what I
> expected the
> universal MacPython to do.
Feel free to create a patch that does this, it will get considered
for 2.5.1 and/or 2.4.4. I seldomly use Tk on any platform, let alone
on OSX where the L&F of plain Tk suck. Appearently the Tile extension
fixes the L&F issues, but that is not API compatible with plain Tk
and not wrapped anyway.
BTW. Mentioning this now instead of earlier in the 2.5 release cycle
makes it impossible to change this for 2.5.0.
> Messing with _tkinter.so to hard-code a different path to Tcl/Tk seems
> much less safe.
As Bob noted this is perfectly save.
> I tried the universal MacPython 2.5b1 and it also insists on only
> using
> the version in /System.
As does 2.5c1 and will 2.5c2 and 2.5.
> I'd be very pleased if the release 2.5 followed ActiveState's lead on
> this. If there's something I can do to help that happen, I'll do it.
> Having readline and the ability to find a modern Tcl/Tk in the same
> package would be very handy.
One could argue that it would even be better to ship a minimal TclTk
package with the python installer, possibly installing inside the
Python framework. That would remove the dependency on an ancient
version of Tk and makes IDLE work on 10.3 out of the box (IIRC 10.3
doesn't ship with Tk)
> -- Russell
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