[Pythonmac-SIG] Steps needed to get cvs2svn working on Panther or Tiger?

Gerben Wierda Gerben.Wierda at rna.nl
Sat Sep 16 10:34:55 CEST 2006

Hello folks,

I would like to use the cvs2svn script. This is my first experience  
with Python (I am reasonably versatile in perl). I have spent a  
reasonable amount of time, googled, read web sites, threads, etc.  
When I try the script, I get

hermione-a:/usr/local/subversion/II2/ii2-cvsbackup gerben$ /System/ 
Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/bin/cvs2svn -- 
dumpfile=svndump --dump-only .
ERROR: your installation of Python does not contain a suitable
DBM module -- cvs2svn cannot continue.
See http://python.org/doc/current/lib/module-anydbm.html to solve.

The mentioned web page does not tell me how to solve this. In the  
meantime I have installed Berkeley DB 4.4 on my system, but that does  
not help. It seems somehow Python must be configured to use it.

I tried downloading and installing a recent Python (Universal- 
MacPython-2.4.3.dmg), but that does not change anything.

I have a few restrictions: I cannot use fink or darwinports or  
somthing (these are fine systems but are not allowd on my system  
because they may be accidentally used in setting up stuff for others  
who do not use it).

I have seen on the web that this hits more people on Mac OS X, but I  
have not seen te solution. Help?

Thanks in advance,


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