[Pythonmac-SIG] py2app: options 'plugin'/'app'

Tobias Rodäbel tobias.rodaebel at mac.com
Wed Aug 29 13:40:42 CEST 2007

Hi Ronald,

I was wondering why 'plugin' and 'app' are no py2app options? There  
is no other setup command needing them, I guess. I patched py2app/ 
build_app.py, to have 'plugin' and 'app' as real py2app-options. That  
gives the opportunity to define them through setup.cfg as well, they  
will be listed via --help etc.

This is my patch:

--- build_app.py        2007-08-29 13:32:15.000000000 +0200
+++ my_build_app.py    2007-08-29 13:33:49.000000000 +0200
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
  import plistlib
  import shlex
  from cStringIO import StringIO
+from types import ListType, TupleType

  from setuptools import Command
  from distutils.util import convert_path
@@ -105,6 +106,12 @@
  def FixupTargets(targets, default_attribute):
      if not targets:
          return targets
+    try:
+        targets = eval(targets)
+    except:
+        pass
+    if type(targets) not in (ListType, TupleType):
+        targets = [targets]
      ret = []
      for target_def in targets:
          if isinstance(target_def, basestring):
@@ -145,8 +152,11 @@
      # List of option tuples: long name, short name (None if no short
      # name), and help string.

      user_options = [
+        ("app=", None,
+         "???"),
+        ("plugin=", None,
+         "???"),
          ('optimize=', 'O',
           "optimization level: -O1 for \"python -O\", "
           "-O2 for \"python -OO\", and -O0 to disable [default: -O0]"),
@@ -227,6 +237,8 @@

      def initialize_options (self):
+        self.app = None
+        self.plugin = None
          self.bdist_base = None
          self.xref = False
          self.graph = False
@@ -820,8 +832,8 @@
          dist = self.distribution

          # Convert our args into target objects.
-        dist.app = FixupTargets(dist.app, "script")
-        dist.plugin = FixupTargets(dist.plugin, "script")
+        dist.app = FixupTargets(self.app, "script")
+        dist.plugin = FixupTargets(self.plugin, "script")
          if dist.app and dist.plugin:
              # XXX - support apps and plugins?
              raise DistutilsOptionError(

What do you think about that? I'm pretty new to py2app. So maybe I  
missed something.


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