[Pythonmac-SIG] problems with boost.python on OS X

stephan nies nies.stephan at googlemail.com
Wed Feb 7 00:12:24 CET 2007


ok i put libboost_python-1_33_1.dylib
in a "standard location" like pointed out here
in my case: ~/lib
i am still not sure what was wrong about using DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH

here is a Summary:

To use your boost.python extension module on OSX:
1) get boost.python
2) make sure libboost_python-1_33_1.dylib is in a "standard place"
3) link your extension using the -bind flag and -L/libpath -lboost_python-1_33_1
4) name it .so like myextension.so
5) import it in python using "import myextension"

Thanks again to Torsten and Ronald,

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