[Pythonmac-SIG] Multiple python 2.5 framworks

Brian Granger ellisonbg.net at gmail.com
Wed Feb 7 19:22:58 CET 2007


We need to deploy a qt4 based python app and I am working on some of
the build issues.  Because we are using Qt, we need a framework build
of Python (we are using 2.5).  One of our requirements is that users
can build and use the app without doing a system wide install.

I am worried that our private python2.5 framework will conflict with
the system wide python2.5 framework if it is installed.  Can two
python2.5 frameworks coexist on the same system.  What are the
potential issues and pitfalls?

I can set the users paths to point to our python.  I am mostly worried
about building other python packages (using distutils) that we include
in our app.  How can I be sure that the various build processes won't
pick up the system wide python2.5 framework?



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