[Pythonmac-SIG] Multiple python 2.5 framworks

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Wed Feb 7 21:08:41 CET 2007

Even if you don't use py2app you should have a look at macho_standone  
(part of macholib). This is a script that will make an application  
bundle standalone by embedding the frameworks and dylibs used by an  
application into the app bundle.

Py2app is however the easiest way to build standalone application  
bundles for python applications, although some tweakage might be  
needed to deal with Qt (IIRC Bob removed the Qt recipe because it  
didn't work correctly with recent versions of Qt; building a new  
recipe or just including all of Qt into your app bundle should be  
easy enough).


On 7 Feb, 2007, at 20:01, Dethe Elza wrote:

> If you build an actual OS X application using py2app, it will embed
> the Python2.5 framework into the app with no conflict.  I have many
> full python2.5 frameworks installed, from various applications I have
> built this way, as well as MacPorts and fink (non-framework)
> versions.  I make sure my path points to my standard framework
> install and that is not picked up by any application I've built with
> other frameworks, including those which may include special-built
> frameworks, or older versions of Python.
> If you are not using py2app to build your applications, then your
> mileage may vary, but you can still easily have multiple framework
> installs.  Just make sure that each application is referencing the
> right framework.  How you do that depends on how the applications are
> run.  But I strongly recommend that you use py2app for anything you
> distribute to users: They then have no path dependencies and don't
> have to build anything, just drag your application to their /
> Applications folder and they're done.
> --Dethe
> On 7-Feb-07, at 10:22 AM, Brian Granger wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We need to deploy a qt4 based python app and I am working on some of
>> the build issues.  Because we are using Qt, we need a framework build
>> of Python (we are using 2.5).  One of our requirements is that users
>> can build and use the app without doing a system wide install.
>> I am worried that our private python2.5 framework will conflict with
>> the system wide python2.5 framework if it is installed.  Can two
>> python2.5 frameworks coexist on the same system.  What are the
>> potential issues and pitfalls?
>> I can set the users paths to point to our python.  I am mostly  
>> worried
>> about building other python packages (using distutils) that we  
>> include
>> in our app.  How can I be sure that the various build processes won't
>> pick up the system wide python2.5 framework?
>> Thanks
>> Brian
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