[Pythonmac-SIG] pygame/wx not playing on MacOSX

Jon Peirce Jonathan.Peirce at nottingham.ac.uk
Mon Feb 26 18:31:24 CET 2007

I have a cross-platform wx application that needs to run some  
graphics routines in pygame. On Mac (but not windows) when I close  
the pygame window the wx application quits. The only way I've found  
to get around this is to run the pygame part of the application using  
wx.Process_Open but this creates a new instance of python which I  
also don't want (because of python startup/import times).

I've attached a minimal script to show the problem. On win32 you can  
click the 'run' icon as many times as you like and get a pygame  
window each time. On my mac it runs once then gives the bouncy ball  
and dies with the message;
objc: FREED(id): message release sent to freed object=0x7381cb0
Trace/BPT trap

Full info is in the crashlog also provided.
I'm running framework python 2.4, with wxPython2.6 (and tried 2.8)  
and pygame1.8.0pre on a G5 PPC OSX 10.4
Does anyone know how to launch pygame/wx safely together?


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