[Pythonmac-SIG] Accessing Resource forks

Nicholas Riley njriley at uiuc.edu
Sat Jul 14 01:16:50 CEST 2007

On Fri, Jul 13, 2007 at 03:56:16PM -0700, Christopher Barker wrote:
> Hamish Allan wrote:
> > Let me start by saying that I've never used MS services for Macintosh,
> > so this is all guesswork. But the first thing I wondered was, if files
> > uploaded over AFP aren't using ._* files, what are they using?
> The server is storing the resource forks somewhere, but not anywhere we
> can see them - who knows?

The resource forks live in the "AFP_Resource" stream, and the other
file info in the "AFP_AfpInfo" stream.  There's also a "Comments"
stream which used to be used for Finder comments, but I don't think OS
X uses it any more.

For those Windows apps (not all) that understand multiple streams, you
refer to them as "filename:streamname",
e.g. "c:\temp\foo:AFP_Resource".  But that's only useful if you're
looking at it on Windows; if you're viewing it from the Mac over AFP
then just use the Mac native mechanisms.

When doing a search I discovered the "Fork Server Helper" app which
might be useful to you, as it's designed to convert between resource
fork storage formats.


Nicholas Riley <njriley at uiuc.edu> | <http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/njriley>

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