[Pythonmac-SIG] findertools.launch reports "no eligible process"

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Thu Jun 14 16:06:22 CEST 2007

On 12 Jun 2007, at 16:17, Jack Jansen wrote:

> You missed EasyDialogs, which is also the one we may want to keep.  
> It uses aepack for the file dialogs.

Yep, didn't notice the 'import' statement buried down in the body  
there. I agree that ED should stay, at least for now. I'll see about  
submitting a patch in the next few days - it won't be a big job to fix.

In the longer term, EasyDialogs definitely needs to be substantially  
rewritten or removed sometime within the next couple of major Python  
releases as it lacks things like Unicode and long string support and  
uses some ancient APIs that almost certainly won't exist on 64-bit.  
The file dialog APIs might be okay, and I think CFUserNotification  
could replace most of the rest with minimal effort - the only one  
that might need a bit more work is the progress dialog. Also, if ED  
does end up getting rewritten, there may be an argument for  
redesigning the API, which is pretty crusty, doesn't follow standard  
conventions, and probably doesn't take full advantage of the  
functionality provided by the more modern OS X APIs. Not much point  
doing anything until Leopard is out though.


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