[Pythonmac-SIG] pyObjC and Plugins

Dethe Elza delza at livingcode.org
Thu Mar 1 16:24:36 CET 2007

Hi Steve,

My first thought was to make sure that you were getting the python  
you just build when you type "python" at the command-line.  I've had  
problems like this before when I had the wrong python in my Path.

Then I thought, what if the problem is with the example code?  I know  
I've built that example in the past--I have it running and just used  
the code yesterday to figure out how to set environmental variables  
globally in OS X for a friend.  So I tried building and installing  
it, and I got the same problem you did.  I haven't had a chance to  
pore over the log files or svn blame yet, but I would recommend a)  
trying a different example, and b) looking through the svn history to  
see what has changed recently in the EnvironmentalPrefs code.

The only really recent change was when Ronald added a bundle  
identifier, but reverting to an version before that has the same  
problem so the change must be earlier.  I have to get the kids (and  
myself) ready for the day, but I'll check in later if I figure  
anything else out.


On 1-Mar-07, at 2:48 AM, Steve Freitas wrote:

> Hi Dethe,
> I attempted it again and unfortunately got the same error.
> I actually decided to do a fresh 10.4.8 install, did Xcode, Python 2.5
> and setuptools 0.6c5. I installed PyObjC 1.4 from source (the stable
> download off the website), and told it to skip installing py2app. I  
> then
> used easy_setup to install py2app==dev, which this time took care  
> of all
> the dependencies, though I think it didn't take those from dev. Did
> "python setup.py py2app" to the example, copied the result out of  
> dist/
> to ~/Library/PreferencePanes, clicked on it and it died with:
> ===== Thursday, March 1, 2007 2:45:39 AM US/Pacific =====
> 2007-03-01 02:45:41.627 System Preferences[1880] [NSPrefPaneBundle
> instantiatePrefPaneObject] (/Users/steve/Library/PreferencePanes/Shell
> Environment.prefPane): principalClass is nil.
> If you have any further ideas, I'd love to hear 'em.
> Thanks,
> Steve

It's like I'm living my own version of the Singularity. I both revel  
in it and am scared by it. I want to figure out how to crawl into a  
moment and expand it out so that I can fully experience it, but at  
the same time know that the rapid flow of events makes it's own  

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