[Pythonmac-SIG] [ann] PyOSA 0.1.0, Appscript Installer 1.5.1 released

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Tue Mar 27 11:49:32 CEST 2007

Hi all,

Announcing the first release of PyOSA, a new OSA language component  
for Python. PyOSA allows you to write Python scripts in Script Editor  
and attach them to OSA-enabled applications such as Mail (Mail  
Rules), iTunes (Scripts menu) and System Events (Folder Actions).  
PyOSA is very much a work-in-progress at this point, but it's already  
sufficiently advanced to allow both experimental and real-world use  
(caveat a few bugs and limitations). Comments, criticisms and  
suggestions for improvements are very welcome.

Also released is Appscript Installer 1.5.1, containing binary  
installers for appscript 0.17.2. This update fixes several minor bugs  
and is recommended for all Appscript Installer 1.5/appscript 0.17.0  

PyOSA and Appscript Installer are available for download at:




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