[Pythonmac-SIG] Using Python for cgi

Brian Wichmann brian.wichmann at totalise.co.uk
Tue May 1 12:06:44 CEST 2007

Thanks, David,

The position is:

On 1 May 2007, at 10:17, David Warde-Farley wrote:

> Chances are Apache isn't set up to handle a .py as an executable.   
> Make sure you've got lines like
>     AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
>     AddHandler cgi-script .py
> in /etc/httpd/httpd.conf (you might have the first one but not the  
> second, I can't remember what comes stock in OS X's apache configs)

Both were already done.

> Make sure the "LoadModule cgi_module ..." line is uncommented as  
> well as the "AddModule mod_cgi.c" line (search for them).

Both already done.
> Once you're sure all this is in place, "sudo apachectl graceful" at  
> a prompt.

This told me that the command passenv was not recognised as per  
previous mail message. Hence
I deleted the two lines:

     passenv PYTHONPATH
     setenv PYTHONBUFFERED 1

(See http://mail.python.org/pipermail/pythonmac-sig/2002-December/ 
006954.html )

Unfortunately, I get the same response: the file cgitest.py is copied  
to the browser window rather than being executed.

The error log gave:
Processing config directory: /private/etc/httpd/users/*.conf
[Tue May  1 10:55:07 2007] [notice] Apache/1.3.33 (Darwin) configured  
-- resuming normal operations
[Tue May  1 10:55:07 2007] [notice] Accept mutex: flock (Default: flock)

(Nothing in the access log)


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