[Pythonmac-SIG] Creating binary packages on OSX

Matthias Baas matthias.baas at gmail.com
Fri Feb 22 21:17:23 CET 2008


I have a question about distributing binary package on OSX (I'm still 
rather new to OSX but now that I have a Mac I'd like to provide an OSX 
binary of an Open Source package of mine).
I was using the bdist_mpkg distutils extension to create a binary and 
could turn that into a *.dmg. Testing this installer on my own machine 
works fine. So generating the binary is no problem at all (thanks to all 
who contributed to this distutils extension! Great work! I hope this 
will make it into the official Python build eventually)
My question is rather about the requirements of the generated installer, 
i.e. who can use it to install the package? Does the installer only work 
with MacPython or will it work with any version of Python (provided that 
the version number matches, of course)? Does the installer just copy the 
files into a predefined directory that must be the same on all machines 
or is it like the Windows installer and it figures out itself where 
Python is installed and puts the files into the correct location?
I'm creating the binary on Tiger. Will the binary work on Leopard as 
well or does this require a recompile?

Is there anything else that needs to be considered to get a "true" OSX 
binary package? (I made sure everything was compiled as a universal 
binary, but that's about it)

I'm grateful for any infos on how to properly create a binary package on 


- Matthias -

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