[Pythonmac-SIG] py-appscript problem in crontab

Leonardo Santagada santagada at gmail.com
Fri Feb 29 18:58:40 CET 2008

On 29/02/2008, at 14:21, Christopher Barker wrote:

> Personally, I'd really like to see versioning somehow built into  
> python
> itself (and python packages -- eggs solve some of this), then you  
> could
> distribute a script that could declare which versions of python a  
> script
> was known to work with, and could automatically run with any of those,
> and raise a useful error with any others.

Amen to that... versioning like .net assemblies (at least like how  
they say they work, I never really used any CLI language). So you can  
say import PIL(>1.5) and make that part of the language... and not do  
horrible things like setuptools do with eggs (putting a nem path for  
each egg).

Leonardo Santagada

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