[Pythonmac-SIG] distutils.errors.DistutilsFileError: file '/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/setuptools-0.6c8-py2.5.egg/pkg_resources.pyc' does not exist

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Thu Mar 6 07:51:55 CET 2008

On 5 Mar, 2008, at 18:27, Christopher Barker wrote:

> Lukáš 'Spike' Polívka wrote:
>> When running the app or building an alias bundle, I have to export
>> PYTHON_PATH and use --use-pythonpath flag, after that, it works. When
>> building a deployment bundle, it does not work.
> This MAY be a hint. When py2app does its thing, it moves all the  
> modules
> it thinks you need into the app bundle. What that means is that the  
> path
> to them all is different than when you run it outside the bundle. I've
> found that any funny business with PYTHON_PATH or sys.path can cause
> problems with py2app.

Jabbim uses PyQT and PyQT support in py2app isn't well tested at the  
moment, you might run into a limitation of that support. Your usage of  
the --use-pythonpath option is a clear indication that py2app doesn't  
copy everything that the application needs into application bundle.

Which version of py2app do you use? IIRC support for pyqt is only the  
the subversion repository of py2app, not in an actual release.

Can you run Jabbin without using py2app, that is by starting it from  
the command line? Do you have to set any special environment variables  
to do that?
> That may not have anything to do with your issue -- I'm confused as to
> why a module in setuptools is needed at this stage. However, I don't
> think py2app supports using eggs completely anyway, so maybe you've  
> got
> something installed as an egg that you could install the old-fashioned
> way instead.

Py2app does indeed not fully support setuptools at the moment, it  
doesn't treat eggs as first-class citizens which breaks code that  
relies on setuptools features. Fixing that should be easy enough, but  
I don't know when I'll get around doing it.


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