[Pythonmac-SIG] Py2app/modulegraph crashes on pkg_resources

Christopher Barker Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
Thu Oct 16 20:54:07 CEST 2008

David Eyk wrote:
> Under setuptools 0.6c9, py2app 0.3.6, OS X 10.4.11, when running the
> py2app command, modulegraph raises an ImportError trying to find
> pkg_resources. I'm not sure if this is a setuptools issue, a py2app
> issue, or a modulegraph issue.

Well, py2app was never designed to use eggs. In particular, I'm in the 
middle of a pkg_resources nightmare. However, I haven't had any trouble 
getting the app to build, I have my problems at run time.

A few things to suggest:

1) Use the latest versions of py2app and modulegraph from SVN.

$ easy_install modulegraph==dev
$ easy_install py2app==dev

will do it, and you may also need:

$ easy_install macholib==dev

That will get you py2app 0.4.2

2) Make sure all your eggs are NOT zipped, which requires:

$ easy_install -Z NameOfPackage

however, I don't think that works in place, so you need to uninstall 
them first, if you have them installed as zip packages:

$ easy_install -m NameOfPackage

then delete the egg itself by hand, then run easy_install again.

It's possible that all you have to do is unzip the zipped eggs, but I've 
never tried that.

The trickiest one to do is setuptools itself, as it defaults to a zipped 
install. I had to clean out the entire thing, and install it again with 
something like:

$ ez_setup -Z setuptools

Try all that, and let us know what happens.

By the way, py2app has seen minimal maintenance lately, which is a real 
bummer. However, there is a bit of hope. The author of bb-freeze is 
looking at OS_X, and may make a bb-freeze--py2app merger of sorts.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R            (206) 526-6959   voice
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Chris.Barker at noaa.gov

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