[Pythonmac-SIG] Rocket jumping up and down in the dock?

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Sat Oct 25 17:16:16 CEST 2008

Bill Janssen wrote:

> So sometimes when I run a Python service I get a rocket jumping up and
> down in the Dock for 30 seconds or so.  Usually not, but sometimes.   
> Any
> idea why this happens?  I'm using the /usr/bin/python, consistently.

If a non-GUI process launched from an .app bundle calls certain OS  
APIs, OS X automatically upgrades it to full GUI status. e.g. Py- 
appscript has this problem, despite having no need for a Window  
Manager connection itself: it calls Process Manager, which is one of  
the APIs in question, and the python interpreter is packaged as  
an .app, so you get a bouncing Dock icon any time you use appscript  
from the command line. By comparison, Ruby's interpreter isn't  
packaged as an .app, so using rb-appscript won't automatically GUI-fy  
your ruby process.


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