[Pythonmac-SIG] BBEdit 9

Michael Crawford mdcrawford at gmail.com
Fri Sep 12 00:24:18 CEST 2008

On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 3:11 PM, Russell E. Owen <rowen at u.washington.edu> wrote:
> BBEdit 9.0 is out and it is a significant update.
> Of course there are many other fine Mac editors and everybody's taste is
> different. But if you are looking for an editor then BBEdit 9 is
> definitely worth a look.

I used BBEdit version 3 or 4 back in The Bronze Age.  It was quite a
powerful editor even then.  Bare Bones Software has always been a
fine, upstanding member of the Macintosh community, so I don't
hesitate in recommending their products.

I'd really love to purchase 9.0, but my poor ability to estimate
software jobs back when I was a consultant means I won't be able to
afford it for quite some time.  For now I use TextWrangler, a simpler
- but still quite featureful - editor that's available for free
download from Bare Bones' website:


I work with hand-coded XHTML/CSS web site extensively, and
TextWrangler is the cat's meow for such an application.

Michael David Crawford
mdcrawford at gmail dot com

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