[Pythonmac-SIG] py2app

Henning Hraban Ramm hraban at fiee.net
Wed Feb 4 09:56:48 CET 2009

Am 2009-02-04 um 01:05 schrieb Christopher Barker:

>> Hm, what do you mean? Should there be a standalone py2app script  
>> anywhere?
> nope.
>> I know only "python setup.py py2app",
> right, so you add the -A:
> python setup.py py2app -A
> > and therefore I'd need to write a
>> setup.py
> which is trivial for the simple case, and you can use the py2applet  
> script to build it for you.
> $ py2applet
> usage: py2applet --make-setup [options...] script.py [data files...]
>   or: py2applet [options...] script.py [data files...]
>   or: py2applet --help
> but yes, if you just want to run a really quickie little GUI script,  
> you want to just run it! Which is why we all want that to still work.
> The alias option works great for a small-to-huge GUI app under  
> development, though -- once you've built the applet, you can just  
> keep using it as you change your code, and it give you drag and drop  
> and all that.

Thank you for the clarification.

It's only that I use a folder full of small tools, partly with GUI,  
most of them access the same packages, and I don't like to mess this  
up with lots of setup.py or more subfolders.

I package only those few tools that my colleagues can use standalone  
(I keep those on a server share, so I can easily update them for all  
and nobody must fill their diskspace with redundant code of bloated  
python apps).

No need to argue...

Greetlings from Lake Constance!
https://www.cacert.org (I'm an assurer)

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