[Pythonmac-SIG] py2app + pygame: how to exclude pygame icon?

Joel Gluck joelgluck at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 1 19:47:35 CET 2009

Hi all,

Am using py2app and hitting this problem: py2app's built-in recipe for  
pygame is causing the pygame icon to appear when I run the app from  
the dock.

It goes something like this:
	1) The icon file I provide for my app appears in the dock by default,  
thanks to python setup.py py2app --iconfile my_icon.icns.
	2) However, when I click on that icon in the dock, it briefly changes  
to the pygame icon (snake with game controller in mouth) and bounces  
up and down, before my app runs.
	3) I tried adding a call at the start of my app to  
pygame.display.set_icon() to override the pygame icon with my own icon  
-- this causes the bouncing pygame icon to change back to my app's  
icon immediately before my app takes over the screen. However, I still  
see the pygame icon for a moment or two.

This may sound like a small issue, but I'm about to submit the app for  
testing to a "serious" client, and I know they would not appreciate  
the pygame icon.

So, is there a way to either:
	1) Exclude pygame_icon.icns on the command line (I tried --excludes  
and --dylib-excludes to no avail); or
	2) Change the default recipe for pygame;
	3) Invoke some other magic to fix this?

BTW: I also tried to remove pygame_icon.icns manually after the app  
was created (deleting it from site-packages.zip, then recreating  
the ..zip file), but this broke something else.


Happy holidays,

Joel Gluck, MEd, RDT
Metta Software
Somerville, MA, USA

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