[Pythonmac-SIG] Py2app -- where is canonical repository, what version is current?

s s listsin at integrateddevcorp.com
Wed Jan 14 02:47:13 CET 2009

I've been trying to figure out where the _real_ current Py2app is.

Here's one source of confusion:

	The __init__.py in the py2app directory as distributed by Apple with  
Leopard contains:
		__version__ = "0.4.1"

	The __init__.py file, from the trunk of the repository at: http://svn.red-bean.com/bob/py2app/trunk/
		__version__ = "0.3"

	The __init__.py file from the trunk of the repository at : http://svn.pythonmac.org/py2app/py2app/trunk
		__version__ = "0.4.2"

	The __init__.py file from the trunk at :

	The python.org file references two different py2app distributions  
on : http://wiki.python.org/moin/MacPython/py2app
	The one at http://undefined.org/python/py2app.html refers back to the http://svn.red-bean.com/bob/py2app/trunk/ 
  so at least that's not a new version (though it is another new place  
for the documentation).
Can anyone tell me which of these is the actual development repository?

Sorry if this has been answered before but I could not find a  
definitive answer in the archives.

I really need to add some things (compiling xib -> nib, for example)  
to build my project and I'd prefer to start with something to which I  
could actually contribute my changes.



Stephen F. Steiner
Integrated Development Corporation
ssteiner at integrateddevcorp.com

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