[Pythonmac-SIG] Using Python 2.5 on Snow Leopard

Edward Moy emoy at apple.com
Fri Sep 11 21:45:41 CEST 2009

On Sep 11, 2009, at 11:31 AM, Brad Howes wrote:

> On Sep 11, 2009, at 1:50 PM, Bill Janssen wrote:
>> I was happy to see that Python 2.5 still shipped with SL, but now I'm
>> less happy.  I can't seem to compile PIL for Python 2.5 on Snow  
>> Leopard.
>> The problem is that when I build and install libjpeg or libpng, it
>> builds 64-bit libraries, but Python 2.5 is 32-bit, so the libraries
>> don't work when PIL tries to use them.  You get an error message
>> something like this:
> Can you try recompiling with "-arch i386 -arch x86_64" options in  
> the CFLAGS? I think I had gotten this to work for some other  
> libraries when I ran into the dreaded linking problem. You might  
> instead need to do CC="gcc -arch..." if the configure tool munges  
> the CFLAGS too much.
>    % CFLAGS="-arch i386 -arch x86_64" ./configure ...
> or
>    % CC="gcc -arch..." ./configure ...
> Brad
> -- 
> Brad Howes
> Group 42
> MIT Lincoln Laboratory • 244 Wood St. • Lexington, MA 02173
> Phone: 781.981.5292 • Fax: 781.981.3495 • Secretary: 781.981.7420

It sounds like the core issue here is that the compiler now builds  
x86_64 binaries by default on SL.  Everything that builds directly  
through distutils should know to build all the correct architectures,  
but dependent projects that use standard Makefiles may need to be told  
to compile 32-bit.

Though I haven't tried to build PIL myself, I have built libjpeg and  
libpng before, and setting CC while running configure as suggested by  
Brad did work for me.

This is an unfortunate side-effect of the transition to full 64-bit  
computing in Mac OS X, and trying to maintain 32-bit compatibility at  
the same time.

Edward Moy
Apple Inc.
emoy at apple.com

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