[Pythonmac-SIG] Using appscript for GUI interaction, button click

has hengist.podd at virgin.net
Sun Sep 13 19:52:05 CEST 2009

Charles Miller wrote:

> I'm trying to perform the following applescript with the appscript  
> Python module:
> tell application "System Events"
> 	tell process "Preview" to click button "OK" of every window
> end tell

If you're not sure how to translate an AppleScript command to the  
equivalent appscript syntax, ASTranslate is your friend:


> import appscript
> appscript.app('System  
> Events').processes['Preview'].windows[1].buttons[1].click()
> but I get the error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
>  File "build/bdist.macosx-10.3-fat/egg/appscript/reference.py", line  
> 492, in __call__
> appscript.reference.CommandError: Command failed:
> 		OSERROR: -609
> 		MESSAGE: Connection is invalid.
> 		COMMAND: app(u'/System/Library/CoreServices/System  
> Events.app').processes['Preview'].windows[1].buttons[1].click()

Error -609 means either the target application unexpectedly quit while  
handling the event, or the command didn't complete within the allotted  
timeout period (which should be error -1712, but the Apple Event  
Manager sometimes returns the wrong code). So does the original  
AppleScript work? If not, the problem is in what you're trying to do.  
If it does, then see if the ASTranslate-based translation works.



Control AppleScriptable applications from Python, Ruby and ObjC:

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