[Pythonmac-SIG] py2app cannot move to target thread error

Scott Frankel leknarf at pacbell.net
Fri Sep 18 07:52:27 CEST 2009

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for the info and sample code!  I've now got libqsqlpsql.bundle  
copying to the app bundle's frameworks dir.

Reading http://doc.trolltech.com/4.4/deployment-mac.html#linking-the-application-to-qt-as-frameworks 
, I'm knee deep in otool and install_name_tool.  I had no idea I had  
to wrestle with this for a Python app.

I'll post back to the list once I've got things working.  At least the  
train is rolling again!  Thanks for your help.


On Sep 17, 2009, at 10:55 AM, Daniel Miller wrote:

>> Has anyone within earshot of this list successfully built a PyQt  
>> app with SQL support using py2app?  I've been poking and prodding  
>> at the problem for a few months now and I'm no closer to a solution  
>> to the "cannot move to thread ..." error.
> Yes, I think I got this to work recently with Qt3. If I remember  
> correctly, it was due to loading multiple versions of the QtCore  
> library. I think the problem has to do with with Qt plugins not  
> being handled correctly by py2app, and thus the plugins are not  
> being loaded from within in the app bundle. Here's the relevant  
> snippets from the setup.py that I used:
> name = "program"
> setup(
>    name = name,
>    ...
>    setup_requires=["py2app"],
>    options = {
>        "py2app": dict(
>            argv_emulation=True,
>            frameworks=[
>                "/path/to/qt/plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlpsql.dylib",
>            ],
>        )
>    },
>    ...
> )
> if "py2app" in sys.argv:
>    # fix the bundle created by py2app
>    def do(cmd):
>        print " ".join(cmd)
>        subprocess.call(cmd)
>    appdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join("dist", name + ".app",  
> "Contents"))
>    ...
>    # move the sql driver where Qt will find it
>    plugin_dir = join(appdir, "Resources", "sqldrivers")
>    os.makedirs(plugin_dir)
>    do(["mv", join(appdir, "Frameworks", "libqsqlpsql.dylib"),  
> plugin_dir])
> It might be necessary to put the sqldrivers in Contents/MacOS rather  
> than Contents/Resources. I was doing a lot of other strange stuff  
> with this app because I was trying to bundle a bunch of legacy C  
> apps into a stand-alone application that would run on Mac OS.
> I'm not familiar with using py2app with macports libraries. But it's  
> a red flag to me that your app is loading libraries from /opt/ 
> local/...
>> dyld: loaded: /opt/local/libexec/qt4-mac/plugins/sqldrivers/ 
>> libqsqlpsql.bundle
>> dyld: loaded: /opt/local/lib/postgresql83/libpq.5.dylib
>> dyld: loaded: /opt/local/libexec/qt4-mac/lib/QtSql.framework/ 
>> Versions/4/QtSql
>> dyld: loaded: /opt/local/libexec/qt4-mac/lib/QtCore.framework/ 
>> Versions/4/QtCore
>> dyld: loaded: /opt/local/lib/libz.1.dylib
>> dyld: loaded: /opt/local/lib/libssl.0.9.8.dylib
>> dyld: loaded: /opt/local/lib/libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib
> Shouldn't those libraries be in your app bundle? I would expect to  
> see them loading from somewhere like /path/to/your/program.app/ 
> Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks
> This leads me to believe that you are in fact loading more than one  
> Qt library, which is causing the "cannot move to thread" error, and  
> is probably due to Qt using the wrong plugin(s).
> One more thing: I think the plugin resolution logic in Qt changed  
> between Qt3 and Qt4, so the recipe I gave above might not work.  
> You'll need to look that up in the Qt documentation.
> ~ Daniel

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