[Pythonmac-SIG] building wxPython on Mac OS X (10.5)

gabriel.rossetti at arimaz.com gabriel.rossetti at arimaz.com
Thu Sep 24 11:12:47 CEST 2009

On 23/9/2009, "gabriel.rossetti at arimaz.com"
<gabriel.rossetti at arimaz.com> wrote:

>Hello everyone,
>I am trying to build wx on Mac OS X by following this tutorial :
>I did the following :
>cd Python-2.5.4
>mkdir ../Python-Mac-Root
>/configure --prefix=/Users/me/Desktop/Python-Mac-Root \
>                --with-suffix=.mine --enable-shared --with-threads
>make && make install
>cd ../wxPython-src-
>/configure --prefix=/Users/me/Desktop/Python-Mac-Root \
>                --with-mac --enable-geometry --enable-display \
>                --enable-unicode --with-libjpeg=builtin \
>                --with-libpng=builtin --with-libtiff=builtin \
>                --with-zlib=builtin
>make && make install
>cd wxPython
>/Users/me/Desktop/Python-Mac-Root/bin/python.mine setup.py build_ext \
>         --inplace BUILD_GLCANVAS=0 BUILD_STC=0 BUILD_GIZMOS=0 \
>        WX_CONFIG=/Users/me/Desktop/Python-Mac-Root/bin/wx-config
>and everything goes well. My question is that I don't want to have to
>set PYTHONPATH and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH because I'd like for this to be
>self contained and not have env. variables to set (just unzip and use,
>like PortablePython on windows). Also, on the wx that's installed with
>my real python installation I don't have those env variables defined
>and it still works, so could someone please help me with this?
>Thank you,

Ok, I'd forgotten to run the install step so it wasn't in my
site-packages. :

/Users/grossetti/Desktop/Python-Mac-Root/bin/python.mine setup.py install

I tried to export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH :

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Users/me/Desktop/Python-Mac-Root/lib to see if
it at least works like that but I get the following error :

$ Desktop/Python-Mac-Root/bin/python.mine
Python 2.5.4 (r254:67916, Sep 23 2009, 17:37:07)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5490)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more
>>> import wx
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
line 45, in <module>
    from wx._core import *
line 4, in <module>
    import _core_
2): Symbol not found: __ZN12wxSizerFlags24ReserveSpaceEvenIfHiddenEv
  Referenced from:
  Expected in: dynamic lookup

I don't get it, I did the following :

| grep __ZN12wxSizerFlags24ReserveSpaceEvenIfHiddenEv
         U __ZN12wxSizerFlags24ReserveSpaceEvenIfHiddenEv

so it's there, any ideas?

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