[Pythonmac-SIG] python plugins in Cocoa app.

Georg Seifert georg.seifert at gmx.de
Fri Jul 2 15:14:00 CEST 2010


I have problems getting plugins made in python (made with py2app) to play with my app.

My app needs to do two things: load plugins (bundles, mostly written in ObjC but also in python) and run scripts from within the app (uses PyRun_SimpleString). If I have a plugin loaded (it works) but it crashes on running the scripts.

I make the plugin the the -A option to keep them small (16MB per plugin is too much)

	python setup.py py2app -A

If I then run this it crashes on "PyRun_SimpleString":
    PyRun_SimpleString("print \"Test\"\n");

In my app, I week link to python through
	OTHER_LDFLAGS = -weak_framework Python
(This was needed to support both Leopard and Snow Leopard.)

Can anyone shed some light on my problem?

Best Regards
Georg Seifert

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