[Pythonmac-SIG] py2app testing modulegraph

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Wed Jul 21 11:01:02 CEST 2010

On 21 Jul, 2010, at 9:24, engelbert gruber wrote:

> hi
> modulegraph.py os_listdir hangs on none existing dirs (strange) ::

I'll look into this at the europython sprints.

> is there a unittest function to verify endless loops ?

No. Sadly enough py2app and its dependencies hardly have tests at all (although some are hidden in the source code).

Adding unittests is on my todo-list, but writing tests for already existing code is no fun.

> cheers
> REPEATED message from correct list account:
> i am trying to setup a modulegraph test that triggers missing import
> for ifilter, imap
> some hurdles
> * i am not at a mac currently.
> a good thing, this results in cross platform tests

modulegraph should be platform independent, although I'm not 100% sure about interaction with macholib without looking at the code.

> * altgraph must be installed because pkg_resource require does not
> find it otherwise
> this is not so good, as i prefer not to install things but just
> copy/symlink especially
> while developing

This won't be changed, you obviously have to install dependencies before using a packages.

I'd advise you to look into virtualenv to create sandboxes for development.

> * modulegraph.util uses ::
>   if sys.version_info[0] != 2:
>       import re
>       cookie_re = re.compile(b"coding[:=]\s*([-\w.]+)")
> it is correct, that this wont be executed for python versions 2.*,
> but it will be compiled and the syntax ``b"something"`` works
> only from 2.6 up

The b"..." is a bug and will get fixed. 


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