[Pythonmac-SIG] python and py2app help

Nathan Lemoine lemoine.nathan at gmail.com
Fri Jul 23 07:46:14 CEST 2010


I was wondering if someone could help me with a problem I'm having  
bundling my python script  (originally built with the 2.5 version of  
Python that ships with OS X 10.5) with py2app. I've basically run  
through all the online help I can find on how to make it work (several  
times) and nothing has worked out.

First, I tried running py2app following the Tutorial here: http://svn.pythonmac.org/py2app/py2app/trunk/doc/index.html 

I received this error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/local/bin/py2applet", line 5, in <module>
     from pkg_resources import load_entry_point
   File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/ 
Extras/lib/python/pkg_resources.py", line 2607, in <module>

   File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/ 
Extras/lib/python/pkg_resources.py", line 565, in resolve

pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: macholib>=1.3

So I figured the macholib library wasn't installed, so after some  
looking around i found this tutorial: http://aralbalkan.com/1675

so I followed it to the letter and received an error message that  
py2app couldn't find the modulegraph package >=  0.7.3, but I know I  
had installed a higher version.

So things got even more confusing (for me), because I went into the  
python.org website and downloaded the 2.7 version of MacPython  
(thinking that might help). As soon as I did that, my script would no  
longer run from the shell, as it could not find any of the modules I  
had installed. After calling sys.path, I could see that it wasn't  
searching the proper paths for any of my 2.5 frameworks. In fact,  
searching my computer, I couldn't find the 2.5 frameworks anywhere.

So then I uninstalled macports, reinstalled the modules (wxPython,  
PIL, pyglet, and others), reinstalled macports, etc. etc.  
Unfortunately, pyglet installed itself somewhere odd (and I have no  
idea why) and I haven't figured out how to get the new version of  
python (2.7) to permanently add its new path to sys.path. I've tried  
sys.path.append, but that doesn't seem to be a permanent fix. The  
other modules (wx, PIL) seem to have installed fine. Moreover, running  
the 'which python' command used to get me /usr/bin/python and now  
returns '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python'.

So it gets stranger (to me). Following the py2app tutorial stills nets  
me an error message about macholib. Manually creating the setup.py  
file and calling py2app from within the python interpreter (per Aral  
Balkan's guide) doesn't get me any error messages about py2app, and  
the app actually does get built. Except it doesn't run because when I  
click on it, I get an error message about not being able to import the  
pyglet module. Also, I use TextWrangler for writing my scripts, and  
whenever I execute the script from within TextWrangler (via the  
program itself or by Terminal via TextWrangler), the script works  
great! So clearly TextWrangler is calling a different version of  
python (likely the original version 2.5 from \usr\bin\python?) that  
actually has the modules I need, but I could never get py2app to work  
in version 2.5, and when I installed MacPython, it seems to have  
overwritten 2.5 because now I can only initiate 2.7 in the shell,  
which then gets me error messages about importing modules.

So my computer (and myself) is very confused about what version of  
Python is actually installed and operating from the shell or from  
TextWrangler. Additionally, regardless of version, I've never been  
able to get py2app to actually function. I have no idea where my 2.5  
frameworks went, but they are still there, clearly, because  
TextWrangler calls them. I don't know how to force Terminal to open  
the \usr\bin\python version of python instead of the new version.

I'm very new to programming and working with python and modules, etc  
(less than a week). I've written a pretty nice GUI program for having  
less than a week of experience, and all I'm trying to do is bundle it  
into an app. So I've learned what I could by following tutorials and  
instructions online, but now I feel that I've installed so many things  
following these tutorials that it's sort of confusing the whole  
system. Is there a way to basically just revert on back to a clean  
install of python and starting over? Or can someone help me get py2app  
to actually work from version 2.7/get version 2.7 to find my pyglet  
module. I feel like if I can solve that one problem it may actually  
build OK, despite the rather large mess I seem to have made of installs.

I'm also very confused as to why TextWrangler can operate my script,  
or open termina (again, likely using the \usr\bin\python versionl,  
which then operates my script, whereas manually running the script  
from Terminal via python script.py gets me error messages about  
importing modules. 

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