[Pythonmac-SIG] py2app x86_64 patch and question

danodonovan dan.odonovan+nabble at gmail.com
Thu Jul 29 13:22:23 CEST 2010

Hi Ronald, I hope the Euro Python conference went well. I think py2app is a
great idea, thanks for your hard work.

I've been using py2app 0.5.2 (from SVN) to build a non-native X11 python
app. I tweaked setup.py in testing/apptemplate to include:

        'name': 'main-x86_64',
        'target': '10.5',
        'cflags': '-isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk -arch x86_64',
        'cc': 'gcc-4.2',

as my non-native X11 python isn't fat (or intel etc). Distutils builds
everything in build/bdist.macosx-10.6-x86_64 (and so I needed a main-x86_64
prebuilt exe)

This works fine for me (and I imagine could be done for main-i386 as someone
else mentioned). But leads to my question:

For whatever reason, py2app or distutils isn't including my C .so files in
the dist/app - could this be because they reside in
build/bdist.macosx-10.6-x86_64 rather than build/bdist.macosx-10.6-intel
etc. as would be expected in a native build? Is there any way to force
py2app to include the binaries from here? (or is this a distutils issue?)

Thanks for your help, 


View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/py2app-x86_64-patch-and-question-tp29295418p29295418.html
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