[Pythonmac-SIG] bdist_mpkg permissions bug

Russell E. Owen rowen at uw.edu
Fri Nov 12 20:40:59 CET 2010

bdist_mpkg 0.4.4 has a nasty habit of making data files unreadable by 
anyone except the file owner (the umask ends in 00). For example when 
using bdist_mkpg to make an installer for matplotlib for all files in 
mpl-data end up with this issue.

There is a workaround: let bdist_mpkg run to completion, then delete the 
mpgk, fix the permissions in the build directory and run bdist_mpkg 

Any idea who (if anyone) maintains this package and what might have 
changed to cause this problem? Older versions of bdist_mpkg did not 
exhibit this problem, though I'm not sure exactly when it appeared, nor 
whether it is in bdist_mpkg itself or a package it relies on.

-- Russell

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