[Pythonmac-SIG] appscript = creating variables of basic k. types

Benjamin Golder benjamin.j.golder at gmail.com
Mon Feb 28 00:11:29 CET 2011


I'm learning and enjoying the appscript module, but I'm a little confused
about how to instantiate basic k. type objects.
for example, if I want to create a variable that holds a k.boolean value to
use while scripting an application,
how do I create it, and then pass it to the set() method of a property
within that application?

let's say I'm scripting Adobe Illustrator:

il = app('Adobe Illustrator')
doc = il.current_document.get()
layers = doc.layers.get()
layer = layers[1]

in Illustrator, a layer object has a property layer.visible, which has a
k.boolean value.

how do I create a variable m which is a k.boolean type, such that:


will set the .visible property to a different k.boolean value?

m = k.boolean(True) doesn't work
m = make(new k.boolean) doesn't work

there must be a simple answer, but I don't know it.

Any and all help or advice is appreciated, thanks!!

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