[Pythonmac-SIG] py2app application fails with ImportError: No module named sysconfig

Russell E. Owen rowen at uw.edu
Thu Jul 21 01:17:09 CEST 2011

In article <rowen-19AF14.15315420072011 at news.gmane.org>,
 "Russell E. Owen" <rowen at uw.edu> wrote:

> I used py2app to build an application that i've been building for years, 
> only now it's failing at startup with the appended log.
> The problem is triggered by numpy 1.6.1fc3 (which I installed from 
> source). If I build using an older numpy I don't see the problem.
> However, the application runs just fine from the command line, so I'm 
> puzzled how it could be an actual bugin numpy. (If it is, though, now is 
> a great time to report it, before 1.6.1 is released).
> Any idea what might be causing this and how to avoid it? A google search 
> didn't turn up anything that looked relevant. 

To follow up on this, I have tested the following configurations (MacOS 

build numpy 1.6.1fc3 from source: the only case that shows a problem. I 
built this numpy twice and both times saw the problem.

The following did not show the problem:
build numpy 1.5.1 from source
install numpy 1.5.1 using binary installer
install numpy 1.6.0 using binary installer

I also noticed that the module with the failing import 
(distutils/ccompiler.py) is identical in numpy 1.5.1 and 1.6.1fc3.

-- Russell

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