[Pythonmac-SIG] Problem Running App built with Py2App

Chris Barker chris.barker at noaa.gov
Tue Jul 10 17:45:55 CEST 2012

it's best to keep this on the list (not the default reply option...)

> What console app are you referring to?


> When we built with 2.6, we were on
> OSX 10.5, but since we're getting the same error of both OSX 10.5 and 10.7
> with Py 2.7 it seems that OS version is not the issue.

are you building and running on the same OS version (at this point...)

> We are using the
> python.org distribution.
> I've thought it could be caused by a missing dependency, but regardless of
> what options we pass to py2app running the app results in the same error.

yup -- weird, if Console.app doesn't give you any more hints, you'll
need to start from a small minimal app and work your way up...


> Mike
> On 7/9/2012 10:40 AM, Chris Barker wrote:
>> On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 5:38 PM, Michael Forzano
>> <michaeldforzano at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> I'm trying to build an app with Py2app. I'm on Python2.7 and Mac OSX
>>> 10.7.
>>> The error occurs on OSX 10.5 as well. The app builds successfully, but
>>> when
>>> running it in console with the command:
>>> rsg.app/Content/MacOS/rsg
>>> I get the following error:
>>> 2012-07-05 20:34:56.090 rsg[7483:707] rsg Error
>>> Does anyone know what's going on or how we might be able to get some more
>>> information, i.e. a stack trace?
>> the Console app often report a more useful message when a py2app app
>> crashes.
>>> The app uses WXPython among other things.
>>> The app ran fine when built on 2.6, but due to our updated code depending
>>> on
>>> 2.7 this is no longer an option.
>> Were you building on OS-X 10.7 in both cases?
>> Are you using the python.org build of python 2.7?
>> Anyway, I'd make sure you have the latest py2app and its dependencies
>> in the pyton you are using, and then do as suggested, start really
>> simpel and slowly add more.
>> py2app works fine for me with python2.7 and wxPython on OS-X 10.6 -- I
>> haven't treid 10.7 yet.
>> HTH,
>>   -Chris
>>   If you guys need more info let me know, as
>>> this error isn't very descriptive so not sure where to even start looking
>>> for the cause.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Mike
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Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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Chris.Barker at noaa.gov

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