[Pythonmac-SIG] py2app, system Python, and Mac App Store

Kevin Walzer kw at codebykevin.com
Sun May 6 20:01:18 CEST 2012

On 5/4/12 9:42 PM, Kevin Walzer wrote:
> I'm getting quite frustrated with the app store's brain dead auto-scan
> tool that doesn't see proper symlinks in the framework, and I'm getting
> to the point where I am going to investigate other packaging tools that
> don't set up a framework structure--cx_freeze and/or pyinstaller. No
> blame to py2app here, of course. I appreciate your advice and support.

I just thought I'd follow up with an update here...

I was able to successfully get an update to my app submitted to the Mac 
App Store after switching from py2app to cx_freeze. cx_freeze doesn't 
bundle a framework but just moves all the Python bits into a single 
executable directory, so the issues with framework symlinks are 

cx_freeze development has recently resumed after a long period of 
inactivity, and somewhat to my surprise, it now includes good support 
for OS X, including running install_name_tool to make a self-contained 
binary. This tool seems to be very popular among PyQt developers for 
deploying apps on the Mac, and it also supports Python 3.  I've 
submitted a few patches to tweak a few things, but I was able to get my 
own app bundled up with just a little additional work, which I'll chalk 
up to learning the specifics of how this tool works.

Development of cx_freeze is now based at 
https://bitbucket.org/anthony_tuininga/cx_freeze, though it still has a 
SourceForge site; not sure if this new site represents the next 
generation, a fork, or what. In any event, I just thought I'd mention 
cx_freeze as a useful tool to look at.


Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

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