[Pythonmac-SIG] Working with ScriptingBridge

Joni Orponen j.orponen at 4teamwork.ch
Thu Jul 13 09:10:50 EDT 2017


I've been following along the SBSendEmail example from Apple.


The same should be able to be done via pyobjc as well. The alloc init cycle
of the outgoing message object yields me a Python future object. Example
code below:

from ScriptingBridge import SBApplication

apple_mail = SBApplication.applicationWithBundleIdentifier_(

apple_mail_message_class = apple_mail.classForScriptingClass_(
    'outgoing message')

apple_mail_message = apple_mail_message_class.alloc().initWithProperties_({
    'subject': 'foo',
    'content': 'bar',

Only alloc()ing the object yields an ephemeral pseudo-SB object as improper
SB use does.

>>> apple_mail_message = apple_mail_message_class.alloc()

>>> apple_mail_message
<MailOutgoingMessage objective-c instance 0x7fc0586d24c0>

>>> apple_mail_message.subject()

>>> apple_mail_message.subject()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: cannot access attribute 'subject' of NIL
'MailOutgoingMessage' object

>>> apple_mail_message
<MailOutgoingMessage objective-c instance 0x0>

My understanding of what is going here is that interacting with it once
makes it go away as its retain count is 0 in the Obj-C VM.

The future object contains its properties in its repr().

>>> apple_mail_message
<future MailOutgoingMessage with properties {
    content = bar;
    subject = foo;

>>> type(apple_mail_message)
<objective-c class SBProxyByClass at 0x7fffa69f9fe0>

So, how to work with these future objects? Or am I doing something
fundamentally wrong in how I'm trying to chase the obj-c example?

Joni Orponen
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