ideas for contributions

Mike Sarahan msarahan at
Fri Sep 25 00:17:50 EDT 2009

Those radon transforms & filtered backprojection would be of great
interest to me (I'm in electron microscopy.)  I'd be interested in
seeing those make it into the kit, and willing to help do any
integration work.


On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 9:01 PM, Gary Ruben <gary.ruben at> wrote:
> You may already know this, but pymorph is BSD licensed and may be a
> good starting point for incorporating morphological functions:
> Also, I'm going to advertise the existence of this toolbox around here
> - I know a friend has some filtered back-projection code which may
> still be based on numarray, but is apparently quite fast. I'll try to
> get him to contribute it (and numpyify it first if necessary).
> Also I have some small Finite Radon Transform routines, which are pure
> Python and hence not super fast (but they are super fast compared to
> Matlab) but they do work correctly. It's not a widely used transform
> but if you're interested, I'm happy to contribute it to
> scikits.image.transform.

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