Sobel / Prewitt Edge Detection

Chris Colbert sccolbert at
Tue Apr 19 09:54:40 EDT 2011

Hmmm, I'm not too sure of the need for this, given that ndimage already has
a Sobel and Prewitt filter which are implemented via separable 1D
convolutions (and will thus be faster than a 2D convolution). I can see this
being useful if we want to remove the dependency on ndimage at some point,
once we have our own fast convolution routine (or just have a convolution
that is faster that the one in ndimage). However in that case, I think these
two filters should still be implemented as separable 1D filters.

2011/4/19 Stéfan van der Walt <stefan at>

> Hi all,
> Pieter Holtzhausen made a pull request to bring over the Sobel /
> Prewitt edge detection filters from CellProfiler.  I reviewed and
> merged his code, alongside with the connected components changes
> suggested last week.  You can find the changesets here:
> Please review and comment--you input is highly valued!
> Regards
> Stéfan
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